exupero's blog

Random self-intersecting designs

In the previous post I showed a whirling line that intersects itself to create a regular pattern of squares. Non-regular variations can be made by randomizing line lengths:

The whirl is detectable, but the designs are too chaotic and sparse to have much aesthetic value. To add back some regularity, I prefer a more complicated approach.

Rather than drawing lines with totally random lengths, let's pick the distance to put the next line adjacent to the other lines on that side, either one unit closer to the center or one unit further. Here's a small example:

Let's quit when two of the sides come in contact with each other:

That has a much more pleasing regularity while still being irregular. Here are some other examples of the algorithm's output:

These designs are more appealing to me. They retain the chaotic element but with a better balance of regularity. I especially like the ones that have regions of dense squares as well as sparser, more open areas.